Hello, All! Can you believe it’s already May? It seems the year is flying by much faster than usual, or maybe I’m just getting old. LoL. Do any of you have big plans for May this year? Between my 14th wedding anniversary and my daughter’s birthday I’ve got some things to prepare for.
Are any of you big gamers? I’m trying to save up enough to get a copy of Dark Souls 3. I love that series. Too bad it’s not likely there will be a DS 4, though. Oh well, maybe they’ll get sneaky and come out with Demon Souls 2? (lol. Not Likely.)
Either way, I hope you all are well. I’m going to try to have another Blood Lands chapter on Wednesday and comic page uploaded on Friday for all of you, so come on back if you have the time/energy. Thanks again. Love you all.